A woman documented wearing a turban.
The belle of the room was Cherokee Katy…dressed in Spanish style, with a turban on her head, and decked off very handsomely. (By Maj. Samuel S. Forman 1789-90)
From the book, “Cherokee Clothing – In the 1700s” by: Barbara R. Duncan
pg. 130
“Cherokee men wore turbans…” (Between 1785 and 1835)
pg. 132
“To this ensemble was added a turban, a length of printed or solid cloth loosely wound about the head and extending above the head for several inches.” (Before Removal in 1838)
pg. 133 and 134
”…the new Cherokee style of dress with turban, soft coat, and finger woven belt with beads.” (1838 McKenney and Hall)
pg. 137
“By the late 1800s, … Cherokee men still wore moccasins and turbans, and occassionally leggings.”